How do I purchase a single article online?

Single articles on are available to purchase or rent on the ReadCube platform. It is not possible to purchase them directly from the webshop or by phoning Springer Nature.

If you navigate to the article you wish to purchase, you will see the article Abstract and below that Access options with a choice as to whether you wish to rent/buy the article or subscribe (see example screenshot below):

If you wish to proceed, click on the "Rent or Buy" option and you will be taken to the ReadCube site where you will be presented with a preview of the article and the available purchase formats. If you click on one of the options, details about it will appear beneath. You can then proceed to the ReadCube Checkout when you are ready.

Please note that the ReadCube Checkout page may not appear as a https site but this is because the checkout frame is embedded in a parent page. Please be assured that all purchases with ReadCube use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Further details are available on ReadCube Support

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