Why are titles missing from my Site License Administrator Account?

If you notice that not all of your titles are listed after claiming your Customer License ID number in your administrative account, then email or call us so that we can look into your account and make sure you are getting access to all of your subscriptions.

A Customer License ID is unique and will cover all journals subscribed to by that customer. So, if you subscribe to one, two or ten NPG journals, you will only ever have one Customer License ID.

If you have received more than one License ID then please contact us with all the IDs you have received so we can merge all your subscriptions under the one Customer License ID.

The same applies if you have renewed existing titles, but your end dates have not yet been updated.

If you need to contact us about this please do so by using our Ask a Question facility, using the drop-down menus to ensure that your enquiry goes directly to the member of staff best able to assist you.

We can also be contacted by using the details below relevant to the region in the world in which you are:

UK/ROW: e-mail - [email protected], tel - +44 (0)207 843 4759

USA: e-mail - [email protected], tel - +1 800 221 2123

Japan, South Korea, China: Contact tel - +81 (0)3 3267 8769

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