How can I stop receiving renewal notices?

If you do not wish to renew your subscription with NPG and would therefore like to stop receiving renewal notices or if you have already renewed but continue to receive renewal notices, please contact us.

This can be done in the following ways:

1. Mark the Invoice clearly stating that you do not wish to continue and return it to us either via post or via fax.
2. Notify us by email stating the Invoice number you wish to cancel.
3. Telephone one of our Customer Service Coordinators giving the Invoice number for cancellation.

You can contact us by using our Ask a Question facility, using the drop-down menus to ensure that your enquiry goes directly to the member of staff best able to assist you.

Or you can contact us by one the methods below:

(+44) 1256 302815

1-212- 334- 0879
(44) 01256 812358

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